Days 85 to 89

Day 85 and we stayed at St Neots we moved across the river and did a few chores and J did a bit of painting of our watering can (bought with the intention of decorating it with a nod to canal tradition). Really quite warm and humid despite not being too much sun and little wind. Lack of sun meant we needed to run the generator as we were concerned solars not producing enough power to top up batteries after a bit of cooking.

Day 86 a short trip to Buckden marina where we are leaving the boat for a few days. Got weed on the prop leaving the first lock and then more dramatically got caught up on the chains in the second lock. On rivers it is normal to control the boat movement using ropes (no easy with a 20 tonne boat)and switch off the engine so D hanging onto the ropes suddenly found the boat tipping over – J immediately stopped water leaving the lock and fortunately the boat freed itself – not good for the heart rate. Eventually found the berth in the mooring after being given some duff info by the harbour master. Went and fetched hire car – a BMW – we ma never live it down ;-). Went to Wicken fen for the afternoon – saw Konik ponies and lots of butterflies and dragon and damsel flies

Day 87 – 89 at home sorting out a number of admin / appointments – dentist, haircuts, car service, car MOT etc., also so catching up with friends (wine tasting / bootcamp). House seems enormous and for the first time really missing Cleo as we kept looking for her. Garden and allotment looking very dry and a number of plants lost despite the help of others to look after them- can’t be helped, no one would have predicted this weather.