Day 61 and 62

Day 61 and plenty of jobs to do; huge amounts of washing after our mini break, our visitors and not wanting to do washing with visitors on board (no fair to aske them to sit among our smalls ;-)), oil change, new fender to fit, boat to wash, replace seal on weed hatch so a day at the marina. Glad not to be on the move as quite windy.

Day 62 jobs needed to be finished but we also found time to do some tourism. Lichfield is fairly close but as we needed to carry some shopping on return took a taxi and visited the cathedral. Neither of us had been to the city before and it was a pity we didn’t have more time. After visiting the cathedral we were thrilled to see two peregrine falcons on one of the spires. Beginning to get warm and a great sunset at the end of the day. Having been sure he had everything D discovered we didn’t have enough to refill the engine with oil – oops. Plan B being made for next day.