It has been a great experience with some highs and very few lows; we were generally really lucky with the weather and we do wonder how we might feel differently about the experience if there had been ...Read More
Day 167 and as predicted we stayed on our moorings, reading, odd jobs (inside) watching movies. An uneventful day with few boats moving, understandably. We don’t often berate other boats for goi...Read More
Day 163 and a quiet start on the canal. It is noticeable how much slower it is on this shallow canal, especially after the Thames. More boats too. J saw a buzzard perched on a pergola in someone’...Read More
Day 159 and we reach the end of the navigable Thames. A short trip into and just beyond Lechlade. We saw our first sail powered vessels on the Thames. . We went up to the Round House which is consider...Read More